DIY Lip Balms

Make Your Own Soothing Lip Balm

  • Have you ever wanted to make your own lip balm?
  • Do you love the balms and glosses from cosmetic shops but are shocked by the price?
  • Do you ever wonder what is in mass-produced balms and cosmetics but are confused or unimpressed by the dozens of numbers, letters and chemicals in them?
  • Do you have allergies or sensitive skin and don’t want to use cosmetics with artificial colours, scents and preservatives?

Lip Balm Kits:

With your choice of our all-natural Lip Balm Kits, you can craft your own nourishing balm with as little as four 100% natural ingredients. This kit is made with the purest of ingredients, chosen for their beneficial properties. You can make your own lip balm in your kitchen. It’s fun, quick and easy!

Lip Balm Recipe:

Make up your own kit using the ingredients below and the Lip Balm Recipe


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