Sugar Free Strawberry Jam With Stevia

This is a No-Sugar Jam, Made With Stevia

These directions use Low Methylester Pectin which is a special type of pectin that does not require sugar to set. Instead, it requires calcium. This calcium comes with the pectin, along with full and easy instructions on how to mix your calcium water required in this recipe. You can also see this video on making calcium water.

Makes 4 x 250 ml jars:


  • 1 kg strawberries, hulled and halved or quartered, depending on their size
  • 100 grams stevia
  • 2 teaspoons of low methylester pectin
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons of calcium water


  1. Prepare your 250 ml jars and lids by sterilising them in boiling water for ten minutes.
  2. Wash, hull and chop your strawberries. Place them into your preserving pan and give them a mash with a potato masher to release some of the juice and natural pectin. Place your pot on the heat and bring the strawberries to the boil.
  3. In the meantime, time mix your low methylester pectin with the stevia.
  4. Slowly add your stevia/pectin mixture, stirring constantly to ensure that it is evenly distributed throughout your fruit mixture.
  5. Add your lemon juice and calcium water and mix in well.
  6. Using a high heat and stirring occasionally, bring your jam mixture to a full rolling boil and boil for one minute. Remove from the heat
  7. Using a ladle and jar funnel place your jam into your hot, sterilised 250 ml jars, leaving a one and a half centimetre headspace. Clean the rims of the jar to ensure you get a good clean seal and cap with your sterilised lids.
  8. Process your filled jars in a boiling water bath for five minutes.
  9. Alternatively, if you did not pre sterilise your jars and lids, process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.

See How to Make Calcium Water

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