Dill Pickles


  • 1.35 kilos, 100mm. pickling cucumbers (about 36)
  • 3 3/4 cups water
  • 3 3/4 cups cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup pickling salt
  • 12 - 18 heads fresh dill or 6 tbs dill seeds
  • 1 tbs mustard seeds


  1. Thoroughly rinse cucumbers. Remove stems, cut off a slice from blossom ends. In large stainless steel, enamelled, or nonstick saucepan combine water, vinegar, and salt. Bring to boiling.
  2. Pack cucumbers loosely into hot, sterilized pint canning jars, leaving a 12 mm head space. Add 2 or 3 heads of dill or 1 tbs dill seeds and 1/2 tsp mustard seeds to each jar. Pour hot vinegar mixture over cucumbers, leaving a 12 mm head space. Wipe jar rims and adjust lids.
  3. Process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes (start timing when water returns to boil). Remove jars and cool on racks.
  4. Let stand one week.

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