Pot Set Yoghurt

Make Thick, Greek Style using our using Mild or Tangy (Dairy-Based) Cultures.

Follow these directions carefully using regular, full cream, UHT milk. Add our Yoghurt Starter Culture and you will have the best homemade yoghurt ever, no preservatives or additives. Drain this yoghurt in a tight weave cheesecloth and you can make a soft cheese too.

Selection of culture:

Use the Mild and Tangy dairy-based cultures in conjunction with one of the probiotic cultures to make beautiful gut-healthy probiotic soy yoghurt.

The Non-Dairy Yoghurt Culture is not recommended for dairy use as it has a different ratio of the bacteria species which can produce a dairy yoghurt with an undesirable texture.

You will need the following items

Your Ingredients

Note: The amount of culture used for one litre is VERY SMALL.

Low-fat milk can also be used, although the yoghurt may not be as creamy and thick as the full cream version.

Directions for Thick Greek Style, Pot Set Yoghurt

  • Heat-treat your milk at 90° C in a stainless steel pot on the stove for 10 minutes. Cool your milk to between 37° and 43° C. and place the milk into a yoghurt maker. You can speed the cooling by sitting the pot into cold water. 
  • Add in two or three drops of calcium chloride, mixing well. We have found that two or three drops of calcium chloride will help improve the curd and produce yoghurt that is just a little thicker. This can be added prior to heat-treating the milk if desired.
  • Add the powder milk, mixing well. The use of powdered milk is optional, it adds dairy solids which assists in achieving a thicker yoghurt. This can be added prior to heat-treating the milk if desired.
  • Mix in your yoghurt starter culture and optional probiotic culture, mixing in well to ensure the culture is evenly distributed throughout the milk.
  • Maintain the milk mixture temperature between 37° and 43° C for 10-12 hours, or even longer, using your yoghurt maker. 
  • For a higher bacteria count and a lower sugar content, ferment for up to 24 hours.  


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